1. When is the deadline for submissions?

Any and all submissions but be in between the 1st- 7th of the month. If we decide to use it then it will be used on the following month.


2. When will my submission be up?

If we decide to use your work, it will be used the following month unless it’s time sensitive. Please indicate if it is.


3. If approved, where would my submission be uploaded?

If we decide to use your article it will be placed on our site and linked on our social media pages. If it’s a video or podcast it will be uploaded on to our Youtube, our site and linked to our social media pages.


4. What do we get for submissions?

At this time we do not pay for submissions. All submissions are voluntary and for credit only.


5. Why doesn’t any of the art have the artist names?

We sometime come across Epic Geeky art that has no name and isn’t easy found. If you know the creator, please feel free to credit them.


6. Why don’t some of the cosplayer pictures have their names?

There are countless cosplayers around, and not all of them have cosplay pages. Those that do and we can find, we usually try and name and tag them on our FB page. If you know the cosplayer, please feel free to credit them.


7. Can I submit other creative works other than just podcast/videos and articles?

You can but it would have to be pretty Epic :)


8. What is the meaning of Life?

Some will tell you it’s 42, we can neither confirm or deny this O_o


9. I forgot to read the Terms and Conditions for podcast/videos when I submitted, what were they?

You are hereby agreeing to be posted on the site and commented on by the Fans for credit only. You are also confirming that the work you are submitting is by you and owned by you, not a 3rd party (companies/websites). That if you have a artist/writer or other type of partner, they are aware and agree to have their work posted on the site and Youtube. You will be contacted if we decide to upload your podcast/video or if we have a question about it. If you want to submit for the next run, submit between the 1st- 7th. Complete the form completely and 3-5 of the podcasts or your video. Include a link to your picture/logo of the the podcast/video and Link to your site. Those approved will be placed on the site the following month. The best will eventually be put on our Best Audio and Video Waves section.

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